What did we see and look like


Club Video's


Website for members of the former Hereford Parachute Club

This website  was created on August 10, 2003.



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1976 National's



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Club Members

Shobdon Airfield

Shobdon - 1940's


Annual Dinner

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Get together 2017



Links to Shobdon



Hopefully on this page I will add links to any video's that member's may have on the Hereford Parachute Club, Shobdon or if they have skydived elsewhere around the world.

The only stipulation is that it has to have some sort of connection with the club, ie the person in the video was a member at one time of the HPC.

To start this off, I have uploaded two video's taken on the day of the first and only Hereford Parachute Club reunion over the weekend of 5/6th September 1998.

This event was organised by John Boxall and it was enjoyed by everyone who attended and many memories of the club in the past were recalled.

Sadly the event was marred by the fact that John who financed the event was let down by a number of individuals who he catered for when they responded that they were willing to attend and pay for their tickets.

John lost out financially on this event and I hope that these individuals feel very proud of themselves.

This also meant that that there was now, no person who would take on the task of organising future events which I know because of this website would be welcomed by other members.

This video is of the reunion with some general shots of the airfield, buildings and people that attended.


The video was made by the landlord of a local pub some of whose customers and friends made a jump for charity, probably as most of us did.

The video features club members, Mike Townsend, Vicky Bell, Don Swanson, Mike Gould, Paul Doherty and obviously myself and the CCI himself Mac McCarthy. It was filmed about mid 1985.


This video was taken the day after the reunion and shows the once clubhouse and packing shed now home to helicopters. The interior has been completely revamped in one half and the other part has been greatly extended to house the helicopters.

The old landing pit is now grassed over and has become just part of the normal scenery.


This poor quality video was taken on 9th July 1983 and shows a new course being trained, another course waiting for their first jump and some of the club members.

Charlie Fields, Rick Shaw, Helena Crestofi, Mark Owen and Kevin McCarthy and others can be seen.


Some cine film taken at the club on 17th December 1978, my first jump.


Well I had to add this video of a local band playing in the club house at Shobdon because I remember all the good times that we all had in the same place in the past, so watch and enjoy.


Another nice video with photographs and views of Shobdon airfield in 2007.



I would welcome any information or photo's that anyone could send to me about the club during the years that it operated.

Have you got a story about the club or any of its members? to tell? Please send them to me, although in some cases I may have to edit them a bit!