Member books

Website for members of the former Hereford Parachute Club

This website  was created on August 10, 2003.



Jump Aircraft



1976 National's



Your Photo's


Club Members

Shobdon Airfield

Shobdon - 1940's


Annual Dinner

Not Forgotten

Sports Para Mag

Members books

Get together 2017



Links to Shobdon


Two new books have been published by former member Dylan Casper Jones. They are entitled 'Death by Skydiving and Other Scary Stories' and Eastern Subversions' . Both these books and others by Dylan are available from Amazon.





A number of  paperback books have been published by one of the HPC members Dylan Casper Jones and are also available as an Ebook.

Click  HERE for the NI Paperback edition on Amazon.


Click  HERE  for the NI Ebook edition on Amazon,


Click HERE for the Cyprus Turkey paperback edition on Amazon.


Click HERE for the Cyprus Turkey Ebook edition on Amazon.


Click HERE for Street Awareness and Protection paperback edition on Amazon.


Click HERE for The Adventures of a Skydiver paperback edition on Amazon.


Be aware, these books are ONLY available from Amazon. Other sites claiming to have copies free or otherwise are Phishing sites. You have been warned.
















I would welcome any information or photo's that anyone could send to me about the club during the years that it operated.

Have you got a story about the club or any of its members? to tell? Please send them to me, although in some cases I may have to edit them a bit!