Amongst the personal effect's of George Morgan that were found after he died was this photograph of the SS Salamis. Nothing is known within the family as to why he kept this photo.
From a search of the internet it has been discovered that this ship was built in 1899 (see details below) and went to Australia where it was used as a troop transport ship to ferry Australian soldiers to China to take part in quelling the Boxer rebellion. A further photograph has been obtained from the internet of the ship tied up
at a wharf, possibly in Tasmania.
Photo... State Library of Tasmania
It can be seen from both photographs that this is the same ship as there was another ship of the same name built before this one in 1877. The problem for the Morgan family is, is this ship relevant to the Morgan family history and why? What was George Morgan doing with this photo in his possession?, it must have meant something to
Is there anyone in the world that can throw some light on to why George Morgan from Cwmbran, south Wales, UK kept this photo.
To read some poems composed
by Thistle Anderson on a voyage on the Salamis then....
Ship details and rename.
4,508 gross tons, length 392.6ft x beam 47.2ft, clipper bows, one funnel, three masts, single screw, speed 13 knots, accommodation for 50-1st and 650-3rd class passengers. Built by Hall, Russell & Co, Aberdeen, she was completed in Jul.1899 as the SALAMIS for the Aberdeen Line and started her maiden voyage to Australia on 8th Aug.1899. In 1900 she transported the New South Wales Naval Brigade to Shanghai to join the International Brigade to relieve Peking in the Boxer Rebellion. 1911 sold to Andrew Weir & Co's Bank Line and used on their South Africa - India service. 1919 Purchased by the Canada Steamship Co, Montreal and renamed KAMARIMA. 1920 chartered to Compagnie Canadienne Transatlantique formed in partnership between Canada Steamships and the French Line. May 1920 placed on the Havre - Quebec - Montreal service but made only three round voyages before the St. Lawrence river iced up. She then reverted to her owners and was used on their Canada - West Indies route. 1924 Scrapped at Trieste by Cantieri Navale Triestino. [Merchant Fleets, vol.17 by Duncan Haws]
Info... The Ship's List
I have received some
photos from Ian Newson which show the SS Kamarima (formerly the SS Salamis)
taken by his grandfather,
James Grant Ogilvie
Hutchison, a former ships captain.
I will let Ian's
emails explain the photo's...
click of images to

Hallo Shaun,
grandfather James Grant Ogilvie Hutchison was Captain of several of the Atlantic
Transport Line's ships. In one of his photo albums there is a page of photos
dedicated to "Salving The Kamarima".
There are five photos of the Kamarima, three of which are taken bow on, and
show the ship listing heavily to port, the other two show the ship broadside,
and she is riding high out of the water. There is a fifth picture, which seems
to be an artist's impression, possibly in pencil or charcoal, showing her in
heavy seas. On the back of this in my grandfather's handwriting "SS Kamarima
late Salamis of Aberdeen. 23/12/19" There is no other information given on the
photos I have mentioned.
There is no
mention of the "salving" of the Kamarima on any of the websites I have been able
to find.
If you would
like to have these pics emailed to you, I will gladly do so. Being "into"
Family History research, I am well aware that the slightest and oddest snippets
of information can lead to greater things.
Best wishes

I hope that
your publication of the photos stirs up some interest, perhaps leading to
finding out why George Morgan retained the picture of Kamarima.
One thing
which I find odd is that in the photo Kamarima 5, the ship appears to be
abandoned, and also there are no flags whatsoever hoisted. I am fairly sure
that in the case of abandonment, there should be a hoist of flag/s indicating
that fact.
Best wishes
with your researches,