Private Penry Morgan of the
Grenadier Guards was mortally wounded in France on March 12, 1915.
received serious leg wounds and died from these injuries at the Hammersmith
hospital, London on March 31, 1915. He was given a full military funeral and was
buried in St. Michael's church at Llantarnam, nr Cwmbran, Monmouthshire on April
4, 1915.

Pte Penry Morgan

In this photo, Penry can be seen seated
and it is believed that the soldier standing is his brother Ernest who has no
known grave.

to Penry Penry's grave
Penry, buried
with full
military honours. The soldiers are marching in the funeral procession towards
St. Michaels church, Llantarnam with 'Arms Reversed', the greatest honour one
soldier can pay to another.
This photo
(November 2003) is taken from approximately the same position as the one above.

These are three pages
of the Military service record of Pte Penry Morgan
Below are Penry's dog
tag and medal's, front and reversed. Penry's name is engraved on the first
The Medals are...
1914 Star and Clasp,
British War Medal and the Victory Medal

This tobacco box dated Christmas 1914 is
used to keep Penry's medal in.

Two photo's of Penry's daughter
Doreen visting St. Michael's church and the grave of her father (Nov.2003)
This is an account of
the funeral of Penry Morgan from one of the local newspaper's.
Funeral - Penry Morgan
Funeral of Private
Penry Morgan, formerly of the Grenadier Guards took place at Llantarnam
Churchyard on Tuesday with full military honours. Called up at the outbreak of
war, he went through many stirring fights, but one day a German shell dropped
amoungst a number of men, killing all except the deceased, who was sent to the
West London Hospital, Hammersmith with a shattered leg.
Here he was visited
by his wife (and daughter) and mother and appeared to be progressing favourably but a
relapse set in and he passed away on Wednesday last at the early age of 26.
The funeral attracted
great interest, the route from Oakfield to Llantarnam being thronged with people
and the greatest sympathy was expressed on all hands with the sorrowing
relatives, the blinds at nearly every house en route being lowered as a token of
respect to a brave soldier.
Heading the
procession was a firing party, consisting of the 3rd Dragoon Guards from Newport
Barracks with arms reversed, followed by the Cwmbran Brass Band (under
Bandmaster Lewis Edwards).
The chief mourners
were the widow, the father, mother, brothers and sisters, followed by the rank
and file of numerous Monmouthshire regiments, from which the bearers were
drafted. A short service was held at the house and the Rev. C. E. Morgan (Penywaun)
officiated at the graveside and a prayer was offered by the Rev. W.E.
Robinson (Ebenezer). The firing party fired three volley's over the grave and
the "Last Post" was sounded by buglers, beautiful wreaths were sent by
"Sorrowing wife and child", "Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters", "Mother,
Father, Brothers and Sisters-in-law", "Friends in Woodland Street and Clomendy
Road" and "In memory of Private Penry Morgan, who died nobly for his country,
from Army comrades in the wards of Devonshire and Mary Adelaide, of the West
London Hospital"
Died 12th March, 1915
(This is in fact the date that he was wounded)
Free Press of
Monmouthshire, April 9, 1915
Military Funeral
With full military
honours the funeral took place on Tuesday last, of Private Penry Morgan, of the
2nd Grenadier Guards.
The deceased, whose
home was at Oakfield Road, Cwmbran, had served his term with the Colours and was
in the Reserve when war broke out. He rejoined his regiment and after passing
unscathed through several engagements, was severely wounded in the fighting at
Neuve Chapelle, the lower part of his leg being shattered by a shell,
necessitating amputation.
He was being treated
in West London Hospital and recovering nicely when a relapse set in. He was
wounded on March 12 and died on March 31st. The body was conveyed to Cwmbran on
Long before the hour
appointed for the funeral the streets and lanes from Oakfield to Llantarnam were
crowded with the inhabitants, making their way to the old churchyard, where
several hundreds of people had already congregated.
The cortege was
preceeded by police officers and a contingent of soldiers from Newport
Barracks, with arms reversed. These formed the the firing party at the
graveside. Then followed the relatives, upwards of 100 local men in khaki and
prominent townsmen and inhabitants.
The Rev. C. E. Morgan
(Penywain) and Rev. W. E. Robinson (Baptist) officiated at the graveside and
each spoke a few words to the assembled crowd and paid tribute to the deceased.
The Last Post was sounded and a salute fired over the open grave.
After Private Morgan
who was 26 years of age, left for the war, his only daughter, who has been named
Nelly Doreen was born. He would never have seen his child had his wife not taken
it to London with her when she went to see her husband. Private Morgan was very
cheerful when in hospital and said he had seen in the papers that a military
hospital was being opened at Newport and that as soon as he could, he
would get permission to be transferred there.
The Grenadier Guards
were represented at the funeral by Private Geo. Hutchings, a native of Cwmbran,
who, as a lad, played with Private Morgan and who had fought by his side in the
It is noteworthy that
eight members of the deceased family are at present with the Colours.
There were beautiful
floral tributes at the funeral from the widow, relatives and neighbours and the
West London Hospital.
This is the British
Legion memorial to men from the Cwmbran area that made the supreme sacrifice
in the Great War. It is now housed in St. Gabriel's church Cwmbran.
Morgan P can be seen
clearly on it.
