and Photo's
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Commonwealth War Graves Commission Memorial
Arthur's grave in the Durnbach War Cemetery, Germany.
Arthur's RAF service records. The stamp "Non - Effective" means that he is dead.
Arthur's aircraft was bombed by the aircraft flying above
These are the RAF loss cards (front and back) for Lancaster ED627 and the list of the crew.
List of raids that ED627 took part in. List of raids that Arthur took part in.
This is the telegram sent to Arthur's father when he went missing.
This is a letter from the Imperial (Commonwealth) War Graves Commission.
Letters from the Casualty Branch and the Under Secretary of State
Five of the crew members who died together. Stephen Preston,6th crew member
The names of the 5 crew in the photo above are, Top, left to right, Sgt. W.W. Addison, Sgt. H. A. Toomey, Sgt. C. H. Pratt Bottom, Sgt. A. M. Fitzgerald, Sgt. J. Goodwin.
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