


Home Page

Photo Page

The Gillard Families

Family Tree's


In Business


Guest Book


Gwent Crematorium






On this page can be found details of any update's that have been added to the website.


6 September 2009

Web site moved to new server and hopefully all links now working


17 April, 2006

Churchstanton, a new webpage added with photographs of the St Peter and St Paul parish church added.


February 21, 2006

Further ancestors now added to the Family Tree taking our ancestors back to 1743 at Churchstanton, Somerset.


February 19, 2006

John Gillard's parents, grandparent and siblings added to the Gillard Family Tree


March 1, 2005

New email address

Contact Shaun....

Click....   HERE


July 6, 2004

New photo added to the 'In Business' webpage and a link added to Bonnie - Lynn Gillard's website in the 'Favourite Links' page



May 16, 2004

1841 Powell census details added to the 'Census' webpage



January 5, 2004

New webpage's, 'Update's' and 'Family Tree's added
