Below are listed all the website's I have set up with hyperlinks to take you to any one that you may be interested in. Just click on the links below.
New and being developed, Monmouthshire Warriors. A website that will contain all the photographs of persons from the other towns and villages in Monmouthsire that I have taken during the research for my other war dead websites. These are not necessarily of the war dead but may include those wounded, pow's, promoted, medal recipients, etc. and are not connected to either Newport's or Cwmbran's war dead websites where these can be viewed. The website will never ever be a complete record of those that went to war from Monmouthshire and will contain only those whose information I have gained from in the local newspapers. It can be searched by clicking on the village or town's name. It will be updated on the acquisition of new photographs as and when. Please note: All my web sites are being copied regularly by the British Library, the National Library of Wales and the main Scottish Library. This means that the information they contain long after the web sites have closed and even after my demise and for many years in the future will be available for reference.
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